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Hell is other browsers - Sartre. org is the prime source for browser compatibility information on the Internet. It is maintained by Peter-Paul Koch, mobile platform strategist. In Amsterdam, the Netherlands. org is the home of the Browser Compatibility Tables. It is also increasingly the home of ground-breaking mobile web research.
Get new jQuery plugins just once a week. Awesome collection of 1286 jQuery plugins. SmoothSlides is a jQuery plugin to create Responsive slideshow with Ken Burns style animations. Please-Wait-js a javascript simple library to show your users a beautiful splash page while your application loads.
in was an amazing conference where you met interesting front end developers from India, and there were amazing speakers and sessions. A long blog post about the first international jQuery conference in India.
Manipulation du DOM avec AngularJS. Adapter un plug-in jQuery à AngularJS. Construire une application avec AngularJS. Vous avez dit application? Du développement à la production. Intéragir avec une API en back-end. Gérer son projet avec Bower. Aller plus loin avec AngularJS.
Find all the best information concerning AngularJS. Seed Project For Angular Apps. Startint Points and Best Practices. AngularJS Ex App Using Rails. Starting Point for AngularJS App. Seed Project for Anguler and Ratchet Apps. Project Template for AngularJS App.
Monday, July 26, 2010. Imagine, imagine lying yourself down on the beach at night. listen to the waves of the sea. Can you hear the sound? The sound of waves overlapping, one wave hits the shore, another follows. keep coming, never-endingly, carrying along sea breezes. Can you hear it? Look beyond the horizon, can you separate the seas from the skies? What is out there in the dark you ask yourself? And what will the promises of tomorrow bring when the sun dawns? .
Bia Porto é artista visual formada pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas desde 2006 e especialista em arte contemporânea pela mesma instituição desde 2009. Trabalha atualmente com design gráfico elaborando projetos especiais como encartes de CDs e DVDs para bandas, músicos e filmes, websites, ilustrações, cartazes , identidade visual ,entre outros trabalhos gráficos de fins virtuais ou impressos. Desenvolveu em 2011 , como bolsista CNPQ, um trabalho .
in was an amazing conference where you met interesting front end developers from India, and there were amazing speakers and sessions. A long blog post about the first international jQuery conference in India.
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